
What I've written thus far (Archive)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Survival Of The Fittest.

So for the past few weeks you've heard me talk about how much I love this season. And I stand by it, I truly enjoy the winter time. But this season is hard on people! So I've come up with a list of things you absolutely NEED to survive it. 

1) Lip Chap. The weather is dry and cold which results in chapped, cracked lips. It's painful and not fun (especially when you're trying to share sweet kisses with someone under mistletoe). 

My recommendation? Burt's Bees. Works so well. Might not taste the best. But it works.

2) An assortment of cute hats, toques, chapeaux, etc. No, one is not enough. The more the merrier (maybe even one for every day of the week)! Wide brim fedora, BCBG Maxazria. If only it was in another colour..

BCBG Maxazria

3) Warm drinks. Cider. Hot chocolate. Coffee. Tea. All excellent ways to get your insides all heated up! 

4)Good movies. And by good movies, I mean excellent ones. I'm partial to a little Audrey Hepburn and some modern romance (ie, the Notebook).
My Fair Lady

5)Good music. 

On that note (haha, get it, note?! Like musical note?!), I'm going to leave you with a feel-good tune. 

Good Life - One Republic

And for now, I must must must get back to work. 

So goodbye, aloha, adios amigos!
(Mucho grande kisses!) 


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