There. I admitted it. I'm that crazy girl- you know, the one who's sense of humour you'll probably never understand. The one who's always a little too happy, or a lot too excited over something ridiculous. The one with an inconceivable amount of energy. Well you know what? I'm weird, and I love it. But I'm sure if you took a second to talk to me, you'd find that I'm not so different from you.

This bag is incredible.. Half-birthday present? Anyone? Available @Polyvore

Everything about this, is so so so right. The fact that everything is varying shades of white makes it warm, rather than the "cool" effect that some whites have. The added "worn out" look is extremely desirable.

To my future children: I apologize in advance for sharpie-ing all of your zip-loc baggies. But do not deny how cute they are.

I feel as if more people should take on this sort of attitude.

It's a good thing I prefaced this post with a blurb about how inexplicably eccentric I am.

Insanity. Try it.
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