I've got a little bit of a rant for you today. I just don't understand- If I am in my car, after a long day's work, why is it that people seem to have an issue with me raging a little? I mean, if I'm "shufflin" or "throwing my hands up in the air sometimes" , why DO YOU CARE? Please, let a gurll do her thaaaang.

I spy with my little eye... the coolest railings I've ever seen.

A cutsie way to stay organized!

Table used as an island- I like it!

Where can I find these rings? I must have the owl or the elephant... muuuuust.

Tolken Harry Potter photograph. Hahahhaha.

A sand castle DONE RIGHT!
If you can build me that sandcastle, you have my love forever. You have it regardless, but I'd be so very happy if you built me it.
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