
What I've written thus far (Archive)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You know what I realized? 

I don't want to be one of those people who complains all the time. I've recently encountered people who complain and whine about everything. 

How it's too hot. How it's too cold.

It's crowded. It's too empty/"dead". 

It's too spicy. It's not spicy enough. 

The thing about people like these, is that they are rarely happy. I would much rather be grouped with the people who are happy 99% of the time. 

So yes, it's hot, but I like the sunshine on my skin. 

It might be a little crowded, but see how pumped everyone is to be here? It's exciting. 

And it might not be spicy enough- but there's always hot sauce for that. 

Food for thought. 

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