I haven't got much to say today! I'm just really full of love and appreciative of what I've got. In particular: my family, my friends, my good health, the opportunities I've got, the safe place I call home.

Going back to the rustic interior design that I can't seem to get enough of lately- a farmhouse sink! Doing dishes would be a whole new experience.

To read. Although any book of hers makes me cry, Jodi Picoult's 'Plain Truth' is next on my "to read" list.

I need an excuse to buy this... Available @Urban Outfitters

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" - Gandhi
It is so easy to spew out wisdom and quote the wisdom of others. However, it is so very difficult to practice what we preach. I can only hope to start being wise instead of acting wise.

Going out and partying is overrated. Okay- it's hella fun. But the best nights are the ones where you're with the people you love- doing something simple, like playing scrabble. (Even if you always lose!)

I'm a big believer in the Oxford comma. It makes a world of difference.

I love getting in my car, putting on music, and driving. Gotta drive: Highway 1, CA.

While we're on the topic of driving... Vintage Mercedes, anyone? What a beaut.

And while we're still discussing driving... Vespa, anyone?
Vintage Ray-Bans - "Gatsby"

That's enough for right now, I think. I shall catch up with you so soon! HUGS & SO MANY KISSES.
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